Monday, January 19, 2009

Dog Obedience Training

Simple Principles in Dog Obedience Training

Even dogs with some of the best well breeding or dogs that are well adapted to humans still need some basic obedience training, because these skills are not something they pick up on their own. Obedience training requires the use of some principles which differentiate effective training, from training without results. They are the following:

Principle One: CONSISTENCY

Consistency is the first basic rule in effective dog training. You need to be consistent in the words you use, the tone they are spoken in and the actions that accompany them. During the beginning of the training, the trainer or the dog owner must decide what should be the parameters of training, such as what and how you are going to teach the dog.

For example saying the word "come", does not make any sense to a dog. It is only reasonable to conclude if he does not understand the way humans are, then he does not understand our language. It is important to make the training effective, by being very consistent in attaching the same voice tone, body movement or hand jester with every command that is given to your dog.

An example would be if you use the word, "come", then you need to make sure everyone else in the household using the same word. The command "Come" specifically means that the dog should approach the giver of the command. So if you are using this command make it a point not to do actions that would make the command confusing for the dog.

If he does not come to you, do not force the dog to come to you and then punish him for doing so. If you punish the dog over and over after giving the command they will begin to associate the word with the punishment. He will not follow the same command since in his mind, he remembers it will lead to punishment.

Consistency also covers the use of the same dog commands by all people. For instance if you are teaching the word "come", others should not use the words, ’come here boy’ or ’here’, because this will only confuse the dog.

Second Principle: Keep It Short

Both the amount of time you spend training and the words you use as commands should be kept short. Dogs tend to have a short attention span, it is best to limit the training so they keep the interest level to it’s peak during the days lesson. Puppies usually react to a specific stimulus, but not for a very long time, they may begin to chase a moving toy, and quickly lose interest, then move on to the next thing.

They can quickly loose interest in an activity sometimes within just moments after beginning, and will need something else to stimulate their senses. They also often become board during training and that is why it’s best to limit the time to 10 - 15 minutes a day.


A trainer should never hurt the dog in any way, you should make it a goal to have the training be a positive experience for all involved. You should absolutely never punish a dog just because he did not do something he wasn’t prepared for, nor force a dog to do something he does not understand.

Make sure not to over do it when training your dog. The dog does not understand that he should learn things "instantly" and he does not realize that you are becoming impatient with the speed he is picking up the training. All he knows is that you are mad.

You must avoid negative experiences related to training so you should not force your dog to obey your commands. If he knows that he is praised when he does something right, he should not be praised when he does not follow a command.

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