Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Heated Dog Houses – Why Buy Heated Doghouse?

Dogs are quite sensitive to weather changes. Heated dog houses aren´t a luxury but a necessity especially if you want to keep your dog warm during winter months.

Installing a heated dog house need not be expensive. The prices of heated doghouses will depend on the type of structure and the setup you prefer. Also, the contractor prices will defer depending on who you hire.

Although most dogs have fur, typically most dogs fur cannot keep your pet warm during the winter, that is why a heated dog house is needed.

One of the best heating systems for dog house I have used is the PetCool Therm Assure. This system has both air conditioning and heater and is easy to setup and install. It helps to keep your dog house cool during the summer months and warm during the winter.

The price is affordable and it has automatically environmental controls keeping the temperature inside the doghouse cool all the time. If you don´t have the budget, then you might want to consider getting a heated pet bed instead. Most pet supplies stores should carry these dog heating products.

Larger pet stores such as Petco and Petsmart have custom sized heated dog houses available. They should also carry most types of DIY doghouse heating systems as well as heated pet beds.

Another alternative to buy heat doghouse is to go online. There are a few specialised online pet retailers that carry custom sized heated dog houses and supplies. You can also visit ebay. Most online sites nowadays will provide shipping and delivery for a small fee or even free shipping.

If you are not sure about how to install the heating system in your dog house, it would be better to engage a contractor to do it for you. Alternatively, buy a heated dog house that comes with everything already installed.

Check out the best wooden dog house online. Learn where to buy custom cedar dog houses at my site.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Biting Dog Case Study

Sam is a three-year-old terrier mix that has a problem with biting. Other than biting the other dog at home, an 8 year old Spaniel, Sam has the habit of a dog biting and surprisingly snapping at his owners, Ted and Shelly. Both of them are concerned that Sam's biting behavior will cause problems and because of this they constantly make sure that Sam won’t get near their grandkids out of fear for their safety. However, keeping Sam in a separate area of their home has only caused an increase in their problems; he has started to chew and bark out of frustration, he gets easily agitated and always gets a little out of hand. Finally, Ted and Shelly both decided that it is time to put a halt on Sam out of his biting habit.

Since the dog has clearly outgrown the puppy stage that has the most amounts of biting and gumming and the biting habit has been going on for a while , and Shelly sought the help of a professional. Obtaining a referral from their family vet to an excellent veterinary behaviorist, Ted and Shelly made an appointment to bring Sam and meet with the professional vet behaviorist. During the first meeting, Sam made an attempt to bite Shelly when she pulled him out of his kennel and snapped at the behaviorist when he tried to hold him.

The behaviorist felt the first step was to have a medical checkup done on Sam, since a medical problem may be the cause of the biting. They considered that a medical reason may be the case because since Sam snapped at Shelly and the professional when he attempted to touch the small dog. Often, dogs that are in pain or discomfort use biting as a form of protection to stop the pain from occurring. However, after a full medical examination on Zoe, he was found to have a full bill of health.

The next thought was that Sam might be responding to a certain trigger. But since Shelly and Ted adopted Sam when he was still a puppy, they can’t figure any possible abusive background on their pet. To see how Sam interacts with them and their older dog, the behaviorist frequently makes a visit to Shelly and Ted's home. The visits proved to be quite educational and the behaviorist was able to determine that Sam used biting to showcase his jealousy. Especially since he was kept in a different part of the home and avoided when the grandchildren come to visit, Sam is increasingly jealous and uses biting to show his annoyance .

After the regular visits and examinations on the smaller pet dog, a training plan is implemented where Sam is instructed "no bite" and then sprayed with a water bottle. This command enforces the training and the spritz gets the dog's attention. Once Sam shuts his mouth, he is remarkably praised. Additionally, more steps were made to include Sam back into the home. Whenever the grandchildren come to visit, Sam is present, but he’ll be securely muzzled until he became fully trained to stop biting. Once this training was complete, Sam could be commanded and immediately close his mouth in order to abort the biting attempt. However, Sam wore a muzzle whenever Shelly and Ted left the two dogs alone and unsubstantiated , to prevent any injuries to the older dog.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Why Dogs Bark

Why do dogs bark? That’s easy: dogs bark because they are telling you something, interacting with other dogs, or showing an emotion. Most likely, you’ve observed your dog with another dog at some point and seen them interact. Dogs bark at each other when they play or are just hanging out together. Sad to say but we are only able to guess the cause for your dog's barking behavior. The implication of their bark is easier to understand when dogs communicate with humans. The simplest way to understand barking is it relates to human beings is to compare it to a crying baby.

Babies cry when they are hungry, gloomy, bored, lonesome, need to be changed, or sick. When asking yourself, "Why do dogs bark?" the answer is just the same. Your pet’s bark will notify you when they are ready to have their meal, when they want to go outside, when they’re feeling something, when they would like a treat, and so on. It’s understanding to decipher just what that bark means that could take some time. Having your dog for quite a while, you'll start to appreciate of what the barking means much more clearly.

Why do dogs bark at nothing? The answer is they don't. It may look like there is no reason for barking profusely, but that is not always the case. When your dog barks incessantly, and you think they are for no reason at all, try to consider the possibilities. Is your dog in pain, hungry, excited to go for a walk in the park or they have spotted someone outside your home? We may not notice some of these smaller things going on around us, but your dog will. If your dog is barking at the walls or at something non-existent, there is a possibility of psychological or health reason fro the barking, so you may want to have your beloved dog checked out by the vet  .

Why dogs bark nonstop? Try observing your dog to figure out what is the reason for barking. Most of the time, if you observe them, a dog will likely point their nose in the direction of whatever it is they want while barking at the same time. If you notice that your pet is barking nonstop and standing just beside the cupboard where you keep your doggie biscuits, then you’ve just figured out what he or she wants! Dogs normally show their behavior, and it’s up to each owner to pay close attention to their beloved pet to figure out what their bark is telling them. Barking incessantly means that there is a need not being met. In some situations, to control the behavior, regular exercise is a must, because that need may not be met at all.

Why dogs bark when you are telling them not to do something? Not all dogs do this, but if your dog does, you can probably relate it to a teenager talking back to a parent. How to know if your dog is talking back to you? You would hear them barking at you or making noises when you. It's their way of being disobedient towards you.   To instruct and train your pet that you are the boss to restrain this rebellious behavior, you should definitely use some respect training.

Understanding why your dog barks is the key to controlling the behavior. Some barking behavior is a lot easier to control by meeting their easy needs like feeding them, water, or a walk outside. Nevertheless, barking behavior is a result of parting anxiety, fear, or dominance needs to be curbed with exercises before it escalates into more hostile or detrimental behavior.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Essential Dog Training for Every Dog

It is always so exciting to bring home your new puppy. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with owning a dog especially if you want to be considered a responsible dog owner. You have to feed her, groom her, provide her with proper health care, and give her a safe place to call home.

One of the most important things you can do for your new dog is to make sure that they at least have basic training.

Discipline and Behavior

You really do not want to have a dog that is misbehaving all the time. They can an be an embarrassment and in worst cases, they can be dangerous.

Training requires lots of time and patience, but in the end you will have a well behaved dog that you can be proud of. The bond between you and your pet can be strengthened through training. Taking the time to train your dog will teach what you consider to be appropriate behavior. For best results start early.

Dog Obedience Training

Obedience training is also an important part of your dog's overall training program. Levels of training varies from basic to advanced.

At a minimum you should make sure that your puppy goes through basic training. Commands like sit, stay, and come, are all part of basic training. So are house training and leash training.

Of course, you can always progress to a more advanced level. More training will mean a better behaved dog. You can include training to prevent destructive behaviors like barking, digging, chewing, and aggressive behaviors. Just find a program that meets your needs and provides a results such as Sit, Stay, Fetch.

Puppy Training

Start puppy training from an early age. Some people wait too long to start training their puppies and it makes it a little more difficult and frustrating. Some people believe that it is not possible to train a puppy younger than six months old, but I assure you that is a myth.

Of course there are some skills that are beyond a puppy, teaching many of the commands and appropriate behaviors can start right away. Just do some research to make sure you follow the proper techniques.

There are many different sources of information available - dog training books, ebooks, websites, and even complete training programs. Another alternative would be to enroll in group training classes. If you can afford to you may want to consider hiring an experience dog traininer.

Group Training Classes

Most of the larger pet stores offer training classes. Being in a group setting usually makes them cheaper. You can also ask around as your local area animal shelter or other animal groups may offer free or discounted group training classes.

Group training provides your dog with the added benfit of socialization.

Professional and Experienced Trainers

With a professional trainer you get the benefit of one on one attention. Just be sure to ask around for recommendations so that you can find a trainer who is know to provide results.

You should hire an experienced dog trainer for big problems such as aggression in your dog. This is not something you want to try and handle on your own.


Being a dog owner is a huge responsibility. It is also our job as responsible dog owners to make sure that we have well behaved dogs. Just be sure that you go into any training program with an open mind and the right attitude and you will find that it is a rewarding experience.

And remember, you can always search for more information about dogs.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Types of Dog Aggression Behaviors

Anually , while only a small percentage of people are bitten by dogs, there are a lot of unacceptable other types of aggressive dog behavior. Rarely, violent behavior can be obvious symptoms of aggression, but its more reactive for other kinds of dangerous behavior. Whether you observe their behavior as a more passive-aggressive or just a total danger, they are still behaviors that can escalate or cause problems in your home or people around you.


First, it is important to note that the types of violent behavior of dogs are not familiar in any other breed over another. We also need to know how to handle an aggressive dog. Only about 1 percent in every breed of dogs shows signs of violent behavior. It is just definite, in certain breeds of dog; more volatile types of aggressive behavior appear to make the news more often, and for that reason, we assume it is common. Hence, it is crucial to keep in mind that any dog exhibiting signs of violent dog behavior need to be taught out those manners.


There are specific types of aggressive dog behavior that occur for a variety of reasons. Generally, symptoms of outward aggression are growling, snarling, curling lips, and biting. Just because they are to be the most threatening qualities more people talk about the variations of aggressive behavior. Traits of aggression in dogs can also be like mounting people, lunging, blocking your way and barking. But dog owners tend to dismiss these as peculiar traits because they think that its actions are not as directly aggressive towards humans.


 Though these types of violent behavior occur mainly depends on what the root causes are . There are a least number of reasons for this kind of behavior. When your pet is trying to create dominance it will usually do a lot of jumping, lunging, blocking or mounting actions on you. Dogs are pack animals, so they will most of the time try to exhibit supremacy over small kids by “herding them” which might involve small nips at their ankle, while male dogs may try to create dominance to mount members of the family. It is essential when you observe these kinds of violent dog behavior to establish that you really the ‘alpha dog’ by taking control of things and situations.


One reason for violent dog behavior is fear. A frightened dog’s initial response will normally be to put its tail between its legs, pull its ears back, and look away, or it will even run. Although if a dog feels trapped , it may lash out with growling, snarling, and even biting. It is essential for your dog to feel secured, but there are a lot of methods to condition your dog to lower a fear response.


Facts like these, we can single-out ideas on how to handle an aggressive dog. This kind of aggressive dog behavior might be observed if your dog is feeling territorial or possessive. Dogs often have a sense of territory that they do not like to share their most possessed treasures and if closely observed, the same thing goes for humans. Also, a lot of aggressive behaviors may occur if your dogs feel that their territory is being violated or even when a family member is in danger. It is essential to restrain this kind of manner by taking precautionary actions and potentially dangerous situations should be avoided. For example, if your beloved is aggressive only when he or she eats, then you need to keep people away from his/her saucer during feeding times. You also need to institute that you are the boss over the food.


When dogs face fear or territorial breaches, when they cannot take their aggression out on the thing causing their fear, dogs sometimes turn their aggression toward something or someone else. This is called redirected aggression. Again, this behavior needs to be discouraged. Keep in mind though that discipline may be ok, but punishment is not. Samples of situations that encourage dogs to act violently are punishments that are imposed to them.


Whatever the reasons are behind these kinds of aggressive dog behavior, it is significant to discourage your dog from showing the behaviors. Allocate time to train your dog, which seldom needs a lot of patience and time, so that you keep your dog nourished, happy, and secure.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Eliminate Your Dog's Aggression Now

Are your dog aggression problems going out of control and are now in desperate need of obedience training? Then you're in the right place. Here are four side-by-side reviews of the four best dog aggression training sites in the net today.


Sit Stay Fetch is the most excellent dog training website and we highly recommend it as it has lots of helpful advice to end your dog problem. Daniel Stevens talked about everything you need to know about how to fix your dog’s aggression problems and even have over 100 step by step images which made learning easier and what he discussed was really interesting. Next, Dog Training Secrets is very educational; although the downside is that it doesn't have supporting photos to illustrate instructions. The third is Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer. Some great tips are also available.


Sit Stay Fetch - Dog Obedience Training, covers all points of aggressive dog training and helps answers many dog problems, for example, your dog being usually disobedient, your dog being over-aggressive, being quirky off-leash or even on-leash, not appropriately housetrained, etc. Besides it being very informative, it also has over a hundred photos to supplement instructions. It includes the most modern dog training tips (used by professional trainers themselves) not available in other books like dog whispering and advanced behavioral training among other things.


Dog Training Secrets by Charlie Lafave, shares to you the significance of training your dog and what may happen if you don’t. Includes pretty much everything you need to know about dog training, like the 7 common behavioral problems and solutions. For those who have left they're dogs untrained, there's a chapter for training adult dogs as well.


Starting from how to choose and purchase a dog, Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer covers all possible about training dogs. This e-book is very lengthy and a bit boring, but finds the patience as it has very useful tips. Warning for the visual person: there aren't any pictures at all and you might find it hard following certain instructions. It includes questions usually asked by people who want to train their dogs on their own. And there is no table of contents.


How To Train Your Dog in One Evening, covers 10 most frequent problems. The priority is to help you find out why your dog is having certain problems in the first place. Then it goes on with step-by-step directions, to show you what to do to solve these problems. This ebook is direct and easily understandable. Although correct, training your dog for obedience in one night is almost impossible.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dog Fear Aggression Case Study

Popo, a Pomeranian dog has an excessive fear of loud noises. Popo turns his fear into aggression when he hears loud noises, and has already bit his owner Lindsey twice. Additionally, Popo fled when some guests began firing small fireworks during a Forth of July celebration. Good thing, Popo was found by a neighbor the next week and was safely returned to Lindsey. Moreover, Lindsey is concerned that Popo’s {relentless trauma | severe phobia} and aggressive approach is leading him on to tragedy.

Lindsey sought expert advice from her vet on how to stop dog fear aggression. The veterinarian believes that Popo’s fear of loud noises originates from his petite size. In order to stop aggressive dog tendencies, the veterinarian suggests the operation as view of the fact that the dog has yet to be neutered. In the past, Lindsey has considered the procedure and consent of the operation. Popo have a reduced aggression after the treatment, but what’s left was his fear.

Concerned about her dog’s behavior, she then visited a veterinary behaviorist. The veterinarian’s plan was agreed upon by the behaviorist, but the professional feels that a lot should be made to address the fear prior to dealing with the dog’s fear successfully. Popo’s fear is starting to lessen after working closely together with the behaviorist for quite a few sessions. And for the dog to feel a source of comfort and security, the behavior specialist asks Lindsey to hold Popo. The dog is also restrained so that he will not be able to harm anyone in the clinic. Slowly but surely, the dog is exposed to numerous different volumes of sound. . If Champs exhibits any sign of fear or aggressiveness, the stimulus is removed and Laura continues to pet, commend, and comfort. In the long run, Popo’ fear of loud noises slowly diminished and stopped acting out in aggressive behaviors in order to protect him.

While this fear is starting to weaken, poor dog is still afraid of thunderstorms. During these instances, the behaviorist gives prescription that will calm the dog. Upon giving the anti-anxiety medication, Lindsey observed a big change in his actions when the fear-causing stimulus is present. Furthermore, since Popo has started taking the anti-anxiety medication, the dog did not show any sign of violent behavior , even when the fear causing stimulus is present. Popo is no longer afraid of thunderstorms and today parties without the need of confining him, giving both him and Lindsey to breathe easier.

The therapy for Champs was a long process since the root of the problem must be dealt with in order to curb the aggressive actions. Popo lost his aggression and once again serve as a cheerful and healthy member to society after the fear had been surpassed through methods including prescription and behavioral adaptation. Though Popo is a small dog, Lindsey is worried his bite and felt the need to stop the aggressive behaviors before it worsens. Lindsey proved to be a responsible pet owner and consider Popo' situation to heart in the search to find a cure for the problem.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dog Food Secrets – Are Commercial Dog Food Safe?

Ultimately, one will realize that manufactured canned dog foods are not the best for dogs. Although there are many substantial claims that the formulas used for these dog foods are scientifically tested to meet the required dietary allowance of our beloved pets, one would have to consider that dogs of the ancient times never really had science to back up their diet. With their raw diet of whatever they were given by their masters before, they still managed to survive,

Many people are growing concerned about the commercial dog foods that keep on popping out of store shelves. This includes kibbles, treats, wet dog foods and dry dog foods. So many dog foods of different kinds have been released and there were also product recalls. But really, what is the best food for your dog?

In reality, the best food for your dog is all natural dog food. Dogs are not really scavengers but they can survive on scraps of bread and meat or even vegetables if they have no choice. In reality, the best food for every dog is freshly prepared natural dog food such as chicken, rice, bread and vegetables. This is something that any person in any household can prepare. The most important thing is that the food is clean and free from harmful chemicals that human beings eat.

There are a lot of human foods out there that can be lethal to dogs and other animals. One of these is chocolate. It is also important to know you should not add seasonings such as salt, pepper and sugar to your dog food.

If you want your dog to be healthy, you have to prepare its food yourself. You can use boiled meat or bones so the dog has something to chew. Rice is also healthy for dogs so they have carbohydrates to burn.

If you want to learn what are the best food for your dog, i recommend you read my dog food secrets review and learn why commercial dog food is dangerous for your dog.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Indoor Dog House – Prices Of Indoor Doghouses

Most pet owners would think of outdoor dog houses when it comes to buying a house for your dog. However, there are also many varieties of indoor doghouses on the market. Most people would wonder why there is a need for indoor dog houses since your dog is inside the house.

Some pet owners like to use it as a way to control the dog´s movements while others want their dog to have a home but not outdoors especially for smaller sized dogs.

There are many types of indoor doghouses on the market using various types of materials such as soft indoor dog house. These look like gym bags with padding and have excellent ventilation. The padding gives your dog extra comfort.

Some indoor dog house can also double as a pet carrier for small dogs. This is convenient for example if you have to go for a vacation and you can carry and leave the whole indoor doghouse with your friend or neighbour.

Dog pen dog houses looks just like a dog kennel used in outdoor doghouses. They are usually made from steel with fencing. They are quite light and large allowing enough space for your small dog to run around inside it. They also provide good ventilation and enough space to pack in all your dog accessories such as their pet food, dog beds and blankets.

Nowadays, there are also fancy indoor dog houses that look like a piece of furniture of end table. These are usually made of wood and can fit seamlessly into your home. The most common material is usually hardwood and can come in various colours such as espresso, antique black and cherry red.

There is a wide range of prices for indoor dog houses. Depending on your budget, it can cost anywhere from $50 to a simple dog house to more than $500 for a fancy hardwood dog house that looks like a table.

Discover where to buy insulated cedar dog houses online. Visit my wooden doghouse site for more information.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Tips Housebreaking A Puppy Effectively

training your puppy

Setting out on your journey to learn to how to train a puppy is all about being organized and taking lots of notes. If that sounds a little too simple, don't glaze over and ignore it, as it's a very useful record of what has worked, and will help you identify techniques that work when teaching new tricks. These notes show exactly what works and how your puppy responds to various techniques, and what areas either need more attention or a different approach. It's just the same as "normal life" - planning and preparation are paramount to getting it right rather than failing or getting it wrong. It's just good practice.

Planning ahead is ideally where you need to begin when preparing for train a puppy, as it will make a big difference when relocating a young dog or puppy from his established and comfortable home to the insecure and brand new home you'll be giving him. Puppies can become very stressed and anxious when he is taken away from his mother and siblings, and he is thrust into an entirely new environment with a whole range of new and unknown faces and scents.

And it's not just puppies and young dogs. It happens with older dogs to - they can get depressed by seemingly needless alterations to their living environment. Regardless of their age, your new dog has no idea what awaits in his future; he'll just notice that his friends are gone and he doesn't recognize anything.

If it is at all do-able, an ideal plan would be to visit your puppy or dog at his current home. Doing this will help break the ice between you both and help him get used to you. When you start out, training a puppy he will already be used to you and better able to learn his new skills. If you really can't fit in a few visits, you could ask the old owner for something from the dog's bed, such as a cushion or familiar toy or just something that will remind him of home and survive the feeling of having nothing familiar in his life.

Without doubt, the ideal time to bring home a new dog or puppy is at a time when you're going to be at home for a few days to help him settle in and get to know you. During the holidays is ideal - providing of course you're at home and not on vacation. Please don't move you dog in, then home him in kennels while you go on vacation. You need to have at least a couple of days at home, and help him overcome any separation anxiety he may experience.

When we bring a new baby home, we make heaps of preparations by creating a checklist of things to do and equipment to buy, training a puppy tips should be no different. As a new dog carer, you need to prepare your home in just the same way. After all, your new puppy is a new member of the family.

The perfect place for your new puppy is a cordoned off area in a main living area, as your puppy house training regime will go much smoother as well because any accidents are easier to clean off hard floors. Where possible, in the kitchen makes great puppy real estate as we tend to frequent these areas regularly, which helps to accustom the newcomer to day-to-day living in your household.

In his previous abode, your puppy had the friendship of his littermates. Without them, he will be lonely so you're going to need to give him lots of love and attention to keep his blues away. But equally important - you must not let the puppy do whatever he chooses for the first few days and then suddenly expect him to start following rules that prohibit him from doing exactly those same things. Puppy potty training techniques is something you start from day one - just start with the easy stuff.

Letting him doing his own thing at first is unfair, because it only confuses the puppy. Whatever works when you start training a puppy works in the just the same way when used with adult dogs too. The stress and loneliness of moving can happen to adult dogs too - it's not just a puppy thing. All dogs entering a new living arrangement will need discipline, patience, and comfort. But the rewards are more than worth it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Outdoor Dog Houses – Build Your Own Doghouse Or Buy Pre-Built Dog House

Today, you can find many types of outdoor doghouses available in pet stores such as wooden doghouses, cedar wood doghouses and even igloo dog houses with heaters.

If you have a large sized dog, it would be best to keep it outdoors. However, before you do that, you need a shelter for your dog. Dog houses protect your pet from the wind, sun and cold winters. What type of doghouse you need depends a lot on your needs and your budget, so do a bit of thinking before buying one.

Traditionally, most doghouses come with a triangular roof which looks like a small hut. The most common material used is mostly wood which is practical although nowadays, you can choose different types of wood for your dog house such as cedarwood.

If you decide on building your own outdoor doghouse, I found several simple dog house plans online that are practical and shouldn´t require too much time and money. Alternatively, you can visit the bookstore or Amazon to buy doghouse plans.

However, most people would prefer to buy pre-built wooden doghouses since it takes some time to build one yourself. Most pet retailers carry dog houses that are made from different materials such as plastic or foam.

Petco also sells high tech doghouses which provide insulation from cold winters as well as dog house air conditioners to keep your pet cool during the summer months. Of course the price is in the high range.

Since dogs are social animals and loved to be near their owners, it would be best to place your doghouse at the front or at the side of your house rather than at the back. If not, you might find your dog not wanting to sleep in the doghouse.

Also, make sure to keep the areas surrounding the doghouse clean. Nobody likes to sleep in a dirty home and that includes your dog as well.

Visit my wooden dog house site for more information on where to buy cheap cedar dog houses.

Breeding Labradors for the Best of the Breed

There are some things you should know if you are interested in breeding Labradors.  Especially if you want to breed labradors for a dog show. The goal of breeding Labradors, or any dog, is for the puppy to have the ideal characteristics for which you are looking.  However, you won’t know which dogs to breed if you do not know which characteristics are most favorable in Labrador dogs. Learning these traits will help you to be a successful breeder of Labradors. It could make all the difference in winning that first place ribbon at any dog show.

There are certain variations of the Labrador breed that would be actually be penalized in a dog show. For instance, the Labrador retriever could be one. The retriever is a medium-sized dog with a short coat, small ears, and a short thick tail and is not considered “show” qualities.  Likewise are the weedy, light dogs, the leggy, tall dogs, the low-stationed, long dogs, and the lumbering, cloddy dogs. These will all earn penalties in the dog shows as they are contradictory to the proportionate and sturdy build of the ideal Labrador.

Certain anatomical characteristics are important when breeding Labradors. Ideally, the Labrador’s head should include a broad snout, clean cheeks, powerful muzzle, and, white teeth.  The nose color can vary depending on the color of the dog. The nostrils should be wide and open. The eyes should be a slightly triangular-shape and have a kind expression.  Finally, the ears should be short and be triangular in shape and should drop.

The key to breeding Labradors is to look for a favorable temperament.  This will impress any judge at the dog shows.  Labrador retrievers are eager to please and they are also very outgoing and friendly animals.  Labradors are also quite intelligent.  Judges look for these characteristics when evaluating Labradors in a dog show.

Labradors can be black, chocolate, or yellow.  Yellow dogs may vary in shade, and some labs may have a white spot on the chest, though this is not preferred. You might be please to note that the Judges do not give any penalties if a Labrador has white hairs due to aging and scarring.

Judges look for Labradors who are bred to be a specific height and weight. They are looking to see that the height and weight is typical of Labradors.  For male Labradors, the typical height is twenty-two and one-half inches to twenty-four and one-half inches. Male dogs should weigh between sixty-five and eighty pounds.  For female Labradors, the typical height is between twenty-one and one-half and twenty-three and one-half inches.  The ideal weight for female dogs is fifty-five to seventy pounds.

It is important to be aware of dog show criteria when you are breeding Labradors. You want to be able to breed certain characteristics and traits for the best results.  Breeding Labradors can be a challenge, but it can be very rewarding if you are successful and achieve your goals.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dog Show - How to Judge and Get the Real Winner

Dog show is one of the most interesting show in the dog-lover countries, for example USA and UK. From the dog show competition, the owner of a dog which becomes the winner of the show will not merely obtain much penny but also honor and prestige. Related to the cisrcumstence, usually the fans of dog will do their best in order to achieve the most wonderful breed of their dog in order to participate and become the champ of the show. This situation, in reality will also increase the willingness of the dog breeder to mix the breeds of dog to get much better dog breeds. Thus, the show and also the breeding immediatley could reduce the particular breeds of dog from extinction.

The Standards for the Breeds

The dog show winner is determined by the judges who are knowledgeable enough about the breeds of the dog contesting for in the contest. There are several standards which need to be met in order to be the winner of the show. The most principal and most original standard for the breeds is it has to be best fixed to the closest standard based on the conformation list used by the judges.

The Judges of the Dog Show

The judges are persons who are very expert about the breed of dog they are judging. Favoritism and even bribery are also believed to exist in the competitions. The dogs compete in many dog shows in order to collects points and get the title of champion. Each time a special dog wins a dog show the dog is rewarded points that go towards winning a championship title. The number of points that a dog collected is determined by the level of the dog show that it was deciding as the champ, the number of dogs that were in the show and whether the dog show was considered to be a principle show or a minor one.

It can be sum up that the larger the point, the bigger the dog's potentiality to be the champ of the dog show competition. Yet, every country will also have its own winning standard or rules. So, to be the champion the dog has to meet all the standards chosen by the country. So far, being a champ is not the most significant thing since from the dog show we can still learn much to obtain much more prominent knowledge, broaden our relationship to the others and we can also meet numerous people from many backgrounds of life.

Nevertheless, do you wish to get more than fun? Find anything about dog show secret here, join the contest and let your dog compete!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Online Dog Supplies - Top 6 Benefits

Pet industry already crossed $40 billion mark and it has increased 20% over the past 5 years. This is the fastest growing industries in the United States. More than 80% of American people own at least one dog. Most of the dog owners take extra care of their dogs with pampering them with pet gifts, toys or pet supplies. Dog owners have a number of options when it comes to buying pet supplies.


Dog owners most often visit a local pet store to purchases pet supplies for their family dog. Pet stores are so popular because a shopper can physically examine each item before purchasing it. This gives many dog owners the opportunity to study the quality of pet supply before buying it for their dog. 

Online pet store is another choice because it is very convenient for dog owners. You can purchase your much needed pet supplies like dog treats all in a matter of minute’s from online pet stores. People like to purchase from on line pet stores because they do not have to leave their home.


Benefits of online pet stores

  1. Purchasing pet supplies online is all about convenience because dog owners need not to visit a pet store regularly.
  2. Purchasing dog supplies online can help you to save money. You can search online to find a store with discounted price.
  3. Traveling to pet store is costly if there is no nearby pet store . It is cheaper to pay shipping cost rather than traveling to a store which could cost a decent amount of money in gasoline. You can also buty from a store who offers free delivery or charge minimum if you allow a week time to deliver the product
  4. Most of the pet shops provides money back guarantee so you are really not risking your money.
  5. I personally think the greatest benefit to purchasing pet supplies online is the selection of products available because like retail stores they are limited by floor space, staff, store etc. It is easy to find a product using on site search engine. 
  6. You can buy cheap products as well as designer products also from an online store.

You can buy dog training ebook, video, collars or dog kennel everything from a pet store.




Monday, December 8, 2008

Discover Poodle Puppies

Poodle Puppy

They're cute, curly, and cuddly, and you could be going home with one today! Poodle puppies make great pets, and you'll need to know just what they need in order to be most comfortable in your home, so here are some for being a great poodle owner.

No matter which poodle breed you decide to purchase, you should know that some poodles tend to be a little reclusive or anti-social, and aren't very friendly around strangers - unless they are trained. You will need to socialize your poodle puppies by placing them in an environment where people will be present often, so that it won't be so overwhelming for the dogs when you have people over or take the puppies on an outing.

You should also make sure that you take your poodle puppies to the vet often for checkups, since poodles tend to have vision problems fairly often. Your poodle's eyes should be alert and shiny, and if you start to notice a film around the eyes, or if you see that your puppy's eyes are running often, this could be a sign of cataracts. Treating this condition in the early stages is key, so be sure to tell the vet if you notice that your dog's vision is a little cloudy. Poodle puppies are also prone to ear infections, as are most other poodles, so be sure to have your puppy's ears checked at the vet as well; hearing tests, as well as medication may need to be administered, and you should ask your animal doctor about dosages for your puppy as well.

You may also notice that your poodle has very sensitive skin, and that certain grooming products should not be used on your poodle puppies. Poodle owners are often dying their dog's hair in a variety of colors, or shampooing the thick fur of the poodle with expensive shampoos that come in a variety of scents. However, the chemicals in some of these cleaning agents could be harmful to your poodle puppies, and could cause rashes and skin irritations. Your puppy could also develop an allergy to these products, so if you notice that your dog is more sluggish than usual, or is sneezing often, you should let your grooming professional know, or shampoo your poodle at home.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Do Not Start A Home Business With Dog Training Products Before You Read This Article!

Working in the comfort of your home is something a lot of people would like to do. There are times in your life for example if you are a stay at home parent, or when you are taking care of elderly family members that you are bound to your home but you would like to make some money by working at home. A few years a go I would advise you to start a (micro) business in dog training products but is this still advisable?

It is very popular to try and make a living with starting a small online business and in theory it sounds perfect. But there are a lot of mountains to climb before you earn anything and it is easy to get discouraged. Especially when you want to sell dog training products there is an enormous amount of competition in this niche. There are a lot of dog lovers out there who would like to have a career dog in training but did not have the time and had the same idea about an online business. Some have indeed become good sellers from dog training products. But almost all of the successful sites have started early and the ones who have just started and are successful often sell dog training products they have developed them self. Dog training products can be sold with a yahoo or amazon shop, but we advice you to do some research to your competition.

Dog training products are very salable that is true but consumers do not just look for nice products they look for reliable sellers. Often consumers buy from the large and well known web shops and not from small shops that all look the same. If you do want to start your own web shop and sell dog training products or something else dog related you need to do some proper research and try to find products that are new, salable, are what they claim to be, and you need to find a good supplier. You also need a website that is eye catching and worth to remember, a site that people trust and where they will return if they want to buy some other dog training products.


Making it so that people can find your website is one of the more difficult tasks. Because there is such a enormous amount of competition and the competition is trained to build high traffic websites, and they know exactly how to attract traffic to their website this is your biggest challenge. Your site and products need to be found in search engines by the people who are looking for dog training products. But because there is so much competition that will be very hard. The key to your success as a online dog training products shop will depend on the amount of research and time you put in internet marketing not in your knowledge about dog training products.

The last but certainly not least tip we want to give you, if you still want to start a internet business in dog training products is that you should not invest large amounts of money into your shop if you can not spear it. Paying a lot of money for building a website or for internet marketing does not guarantee that you will earn your investment back with dog training products in a reasonable amount of time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Three Basic Rules of Dog Obedience Training

There are dog obedience training schools where dogs are trained to follow simple commands using three basic principles as the trainer's guide.. Most dog training and dog behavior schools use these rules. These are:

Principle One:The first rule in obedience training is to be consistent. You must be consistent in the use of words, the tone of your voice and your actions, that go with your command. At the beginning of training you as the dog owner or trainer must make the decision as to what guidelines you will use to teach the dog. Words do not make sense to a dog. He does not understand things the way we understand, and he does not understand the language we use.

For the training to be understandable, the command must be used in a consistent manner so he can recognize the meaning to the word and tone. If you are using the word 'come' make sure everyone is. If you are using this command make it a point that you would not do actions that would make the command confusing for the dog. If he does not come to you, do not force the dog to come to you and punish him for doing so. This would make him attribute the command with the punishment.

Then what would you expect?-If the command leads to punishment he will not follow it next time. The same command used, by all people, must be consistent. For example, if you use the words 'come' make sure everyone in your family uses that word also, not 'come here'.

Principle Two:The hours devoted to training and the words used as command should be kept short. Remember that the attention span of dogs is extremely short so it is almost impossible to keep them engaged in the one activity. Combining children with your puppy obedience training is an example of keeping your training sessions short as they would lose interest very quickly, so it is best to move on to the next thing.

Your dog simply does not posses the same amount of interest they had when they started the activity, they become easily bored. Training should be kept to ten to fifteen minutes and set at regular times.

Principle Three: Do not use force and punishment to hurt your dog when training. Also, never force the dog to follow the command if he is not prepared for it or punish a dog for something he did. Don’t push the animal too hard while training.

Your dog has no understanding of your impatience for his lack of learning speed. All he knows is that you are mad. So do not use force as this does not communicate your meaning properly, instead use negative reinforcement. Do not send him mixed signals, by making him feel praised for doing something wrong, only when he obeys the command, should he feel praised.

You have to be understanding and patient, especially during your dog obedience training sessions. The outcome will be a very responsive and well trained dog.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ionic Air Purifier - Plasmacluster Ions - Japan's Potent Weapon Against Deadly Bird Flu Virus H5N1

27 August 2008 may prove to be a pivotal point in mankind's war against the much-feared bird flu pandemic. On that day, Sharp Corporation unveiled its latest technological weapon against the unseen enemy! Incorporated in its ionic air purifier, the Plasmacluster Ion Technology (more on this in a later post) has just been scientifically proven to be 99.9% effective in eliminating the bird flu virus known as H5N1.

As we have been constantly reminded by the press, bird flu is the prime suspect to cause mankind's next pandemic. Pandemic sounds terrifying. It is. That’s when a highly contagious and deadly virus goes global, in a very negative sense. 50 million people may die in a global pandemic. No way, you say. But its happened before, during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic! That was blamed on the H1N1 virus which was only recently confirmed on 5 October 2005 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a bird flu virus.

If fear is gripping you right now, is it time to PANIC?

Not now. WHO statistics (updated up to 10 Sep 2008) tracing back to 1996 when the H5N1 virus first surfaced in China shows a relatively low death toll of 245. So what’s the fuss? The greatest nightmare for scientists monitoring the bird flu virus is to see it attain human-to-human transmission capability. As I write, there has been only one probable case of human-to-human transmission recorded in Thailand in September 2004. Should the dreaded virus mutation take place, you can expect pandemonium on a global scale.

Like other countries, Singapore (where I live) is conscientiously preparing for the worse (more on this in a later post). At the individual level, we should start making preparations too.

Ok, so what’s all this got to do with Sharp’s ionic air purifier. Is it not just another ordinary ionic air purifier? It is ordinary in that it performs the usual functions of the run-of-the-mill air purifier by getting rid of dust, dirt, smoke, dander, pollen, cuisine and pet odours, pollutants, allergens etc. But if we can get protection from all these and more in one ionic air purifier, especially one that is a tested defense shield against a potentially deadly virus, why not? That's what Sharp is claiming, get the all-in-one package with their Plasmacluster Ion Air Purifier.

Obviously, for the value-conscious, the next logical question would be “yes, that makes a whole lot of sense but at what cost”? No extra cost, Sharp claims! They go so far as to say it may in fact be cheaper than any other ordinary ionic air purifier when measured over 5 years. Wow, value for money sure gets my attention! But, how is this possible in this nothing-is-for-free world?

Well, in promotional materials, using the Plasmacluster Ionic Air Purifier Model FP-N40CX as the basis, Sharp contends that it is much better value for money as there is no filter replacement costs for the first 5 years. Upfront costs at US$399 for the Sharp model is higher than the typical competitor's US$160. But the latter requires annual filter replacement costs of US$100, adding to a total cost of US$560 over 5 years.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on both sets of numbers above. Just email me if you have actual numbers.

My next step will be to learn as much as I can about the Sharp Plasmacluster Ion Technology. Now is the time to research, while bird flu is still not quite at pandemic proportions.

Join me in my quest. Experience is a good teacher. I remember my family, along with thousands of other frantic people, scrambling around town looking for the much-touted N95 face mask when the last near-pandemic scare took place in Asia. The year was 2003. SARS was a much dreaded acronym. The SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus started spreading in Asia and infected 8,096 people around the world, resulting in 774 fatalities. As always, being prepared is half the battle won.

Watch this space as we track exciting developments in our pursuit of safe, pure and clean air with nothing more than an ionic air purifier.

To easily receive updates on new articles, subscribe to The Ionic Air Purifier Blog today.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Quick And Easy Way To Potty Train Your Puppy

When you bring a new puppy home, you can't help but notice that he is just so adorable in his new surroundings! Beside enjoying your little pal, you also want to protect your home so your furnishings and carpets aren't ruined. Now what are you going to do?

By teaching your puppy where to relieve himself, you'll also be protecting your home. Do you know what to do now?

Grab your free dog training course and learn more dog potty train methods that work.

Dogs act mainly from habits that have been developed over a period of time and that fact can help you as a dog owner. As the dog owner, you need to install the habits of your choice. Don't let your pet create his own habits that you might not appreciate. Your puppy has limitations that you need to be aware of. He can't wait for long periods of time to relieve himself since his bladder is so small. Understanding and patience will help you deal with your puppy's limitations.

Don't scream at your puppy when he has an accident. Training your new pal requires patience. If your puppy has an accident on the living room carpet, be gentle with him. Tell him "no" in a gentle way. Then pick him up and place him where you do want him to go potty. Then tell him to go potty in that place in your own words.

Using a crate for puppy training purposes is a good idea. That's because dogs don't like to urinate or defecate where they spend a lot of time. A dog playpen can also be used for training purposes.

There are times when your new puppy is more likely to go potty. First thing in the morning is one of the times when your puppy will need to relieve himself. Eating activates your puppy's elimination process, so he'll probably want to relieve himself after any meal he eats. Be sure to take your puppy to his designated toilet area before he goes to bed at night. Right after romping around for a while, your pal will probably want to go potty.

Your new pet needs close supervision. If he goes potty on his own outside, be sure to praise him immediately. If he should go potty inside the house, you need to gently but sternly let him know that isn't the right place to go. Be sure to praise your puppy when he does go in the correct place. He really needs your approval.

You can learn the signs that your puppy is about to go potty. Wandering off, sniffing and circling are signs that your puppy is ready to relieve himself. Maybe he'll go and stand at the door.

Patience and kindness goes a long way in dog training. Be sure to spend time training your new pal to urinate or deficate where you have chosen for him to go. The time and effort you put into training your new pal will be worth it when he knows the right time and place to relieve himself.

Watch free dog training video plus learn how to potty train dog.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dog Insurance Safeguards Pets As Well As Budgets

Pet Insurance - Pet Tips from HSN & Prince Lorenzo Borghese

Aside from the fact that there has been dog insurance available for almost twenty years, there are still a good number of dog owners who aren't aware of pet health insurance coverage. For those who consider their beloved pets to be an integral part of their family, learning about the availability of health insurance for their dogs is very much welcomed news.

Anyone can relate to this sentiment of relief, if they have ever been faced with having to either clean out their savings account or run up their credit card balance in order to take care of an unexpected emergency. Having a pet plan can help to lighten the burden of the expenses related to a surgical procedure, long-term care for serious conditions, such as cancer and other types of diseases or emergency care due to injury or accident. Without insurance, some dog owners are faced with the awful decision of having to put their pet to sleep because the cost of proper health care is just too much for the family budget.

Unfortunately, when it comes down to being able to pay for expensive veterinary pet care versus being able to take care of the needs of the children and the rest of the household, often the heartbreaking decision has to be made to put the animal down. It is just this type of situation that attests to the greater value of carrying dog insurance to protect the health and the well-being of man's best friend.

Just as with other health care expenses, the costs associated with veterinarian care for pets is also rising with each passing year. This fact has made the idea of acquiring pet insurance to cover the animal welfare and health concerns a more attractive option. It has also made pet health insurance a more financially smart move for families. It is much easier to work a small insurance premium for dog health insurance into the household budget than it is to try to come up with hundreds, or even thousands of dollars if an emergency arises.

If you own more than one dog, then insurance coverage for all of them makes even more sense. Simply making certain that each seperate dog has gotton their vaccinations, booster shots as well as health screening that are done on an annual basis can stretch a persons budget to their breaking point. This situation can lead pet owners to decide to skip the routine health care steps that should be taken to prevent illness and diseases.

In most cases, a comprehensive pet insurance policy will also cover wellness and preventative care procedures. Luckily, the majority of the pet insurance policies appear to back the approach of doing the preventive steps, in terms of animal welfare. It has been well-documented over an extended period fo time that taking preventative steps as well as supportive wellmess care will lower the possibility for serious health problems for the pet further down the road.

For this reason, seeking out companies that offer insurance coverage that includes preventative care is a prudent course of action. The fact that a pet insurance company offers such coverage speaks to their commitment and philosophy about prevention of pet disease and the importance of animal welfare in general.

Preventative care coverage is the most expensive type of dog insurance that you can purchase, but may not be in every families' budget. In this case, it is often wise to opt for a policy that will pay for major veterinary pet bills. This is an effective way to lower monthly premium, but you will need to be prepared to handle the routine veterinarian visits out of your own pocket. Finding a pet insurance company that offers policies that cover wellness care is a positive sign and a good indicator about the kind of company with whom you are dealing.

For more useful knowledge click here Pet Care Insurance also head on over to ASPCA Pet Insurance as well as Pet Insurance Review

Monday, December 1, 2008

Helping Your Dog When It Has Had A Stroke

It may come as a shock to you to find out that your dog has suffered from a stroke. Unlike humans, when a dog has a stroke, he often won't become paralyzed or display any of the human signs of stroke. In fact, with the right care and attention, chances are he will bounce right back within a short period after suffering from a stroke, especially if he has a little help.

How To Tell Your Dog Has Had A Stroke?
Often, there are a few signs that will tell you that your dog is suffering from a stroke. These usually include loss of sight, falling over, and tilting and turning of the head. If you notice your dog displaying these symptoms, you should take him to the vet to rule out other serious health problems such as brain disease, which may be the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Often, pet owners are not aware that their dog has suffered from a stroke.  If your pet is advanced in years, seems off color, or acting strangely, he may have suffered a stroke. The best way to find out for sure is to take him to the vet for an examination. Once there, the vet will put your dog under anesthesia, and run some tests to find out what is causing your dog to act strangely.

My Dog Has Had A Stroke, What Should I Do?
If your dog has had a stroke, it is important to remember that dogs don’t suffer as badly from strokes as humans do, and they will recover faster than humans. Once your dog has had a stroke, there is not a lot that your vet can do for him. In most cases, there is no magical cure, or special pill, all your vet will do is confirm that it was a stroke, and rule out the dangerous diseases that may be causing your dog to suffer from the strokes.

However, there are some things that you, the owner of your dog, can do to help with his recovery. Because you share a close owner-pet bond, your dog will recover faster if you are around to care for him, and cheer him on as he starts getting better. Make sure that he has a warm cozy place to rest, and plenty of encouragement, and love from you, to remind him of why he wants to get better.

You may also need to encourage your pet to eat, and drink soon after he has suffered from a stroke, and help him onto his feet, and encourage him to take bathroom breaks outside. Exercise, especially strenuous exercise, should be avoided. Once your dog is feeling well enough, he will soon tell you when he is ready to start going on walks again. After a matter of weeks, he will be starting to get back to his old self.

Don’t forget that once your dog has recovered, he will still need plenty of love, and encouragement, and may not be as agile as he was before the stroke. Strokes can keep reoccurring in dogs, so keep a close eye on him.

To find out more about pet health visit Natures Healthy Pet