Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Are Miniature Poodles?

Poodles are generally fun-loving dogs that have a pretty reserved temperament, so if you're looking for an agreeable pet that your family will love, you may want to consider a miniature poodle. Here is some general information about these dogs that will help you to make the right decision, as well as some things you can expect once you bring your pet home.

The Concerns

One of the things you may be concerned about when it comes to your miniature poodle is grooming. Poodle hair tends to be thick and curly, so you'll need to make sure that your puppy is groomed as often as possible. The standard grooming cut for puppies is relatively short hair all over the body, and you may need to do this about once a month or so to keep your pet looking great. Colors of miniature poodles include brown, cafe-au-lait, white or black varieties will be featured in pet stores across the country, and you can also have your pet grooming professional apply temporary dye to your poodle's coat for a special occasion; red, apricot, blue, silver, or gray are acceptable colors, and won't damage your dog's coat.

It is ideally recommended for you to learn your poodle's temperament before you buy them. Sometimes you may need to socialize with the miniature poodle as a puppy, as poodles have a common trait of being reserved towards strangers. Miniature poodles also tend to bark a lot, meaning that they actually do a good job of alerting you if there are things wrong at home. In a majority of cases, your poodle will enjoy playing with children, except for a few poodle varieties that tend to be high-strung, so it may be a requirement for you to take a look at the ancestry of the poodle before you buy it.

The miniature poodle generally has a pretty long life span as well, but you'll need to watch out for certain genetic problems that can arise. Cataracts is common in all poodle varieties, and retinal atrophy could cause blindness, so you'll need to take your poodle to the vet often for vision and nervous system checkups. Your poodle should also be checked for runny eyes and ear infections often. And, poodle skin tends to be sensitive; allergies and skin rashes can occur when certain types of dog shampoo or dyes are used, and clippers could cause skin conditions in poodles as well. Make sure that your grooming facility uses sanitized and hypo-allergenic materials when grooming your poodle.

For more great information on how to care for your miniature poodle, visit

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