Thursday, January 29, 2009

Know Which Kind Of Puppy For Sale Ads To Respond To

With many hundreds of different dog breeds to choose from and thousands of different personalities as well to have to deal with, you will have your hands full locating an ideal puppy and your efforts will require doing more than simply browsing dog breeders that offer puppy for sale. To get the best deal in regard to your puppy you need to do a lot of research and you should also look beyond appearances when checking out a puppy for sale advertisement.

Looks Are Great, But Not Everything

Looks are great but they are not everything because you will also need to ascertain the prospective puppy’s behavior and other breed characteristics. So, before you start your hunt for a puppy and before responding to puppy for sale ads you need to find a reliable source where the complete breed profile facts will be given. Next, you need to be sure that the breed that you chose is compatible with your personality and lifestyle.

Having done this preparatory work you can then begin your search for puppy for sale breeders or ads and you should also use the keyword “puppy for sale” when making online searches. In addition, you will need to check out local sources within your city where puppies are being sold or given away. It also pays to compile a complete list of dog breeders that sell the type of dog breed that you wish to own. In addition, you must also check how passionate the breeder is in caring for the breed and a breeder that puts up more than a few different dog breed puppy for sale is to be avoided. Passionate breeders generally are known to only deal in one or two different dog breeds.

Having found a suitable puppy for sale advertisement you then need to check things such as the puppy’s health and his temperament. Also, you need to get a health guarantee in writing from the breeder and finally, you must also check the parentage of the puppy. It pays to avoid dealing with puppy mills as well as puppy brokers as too backyard breeders who put up puppy for sale advertisements with the sole objective of earning a profit and so will generally not pay too much attention to safeguarding the breed’s standard.

If you have decided on buying or bringing home a teacup puppy you should then also learn a few things that will ensure that this breed thrives in your home. By ensuring that you only respond to puppy for sale advertisements from reputable breeders you will be assured of getting the best puppy and you will also find that the puppy you bring home is trusting, confident as well as easy to train.

For more about puppies please visit

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stop Dog Digging

If walking through your yard has already become treacherous because of the number of holes your dogs have put in your yard, then you need to learn to curb dog digging. Dogs dig for a lot of reasons like anxiety, a desire to escape, or as a way to protect themselves from outside forces. In order to be effective in your training, you should understand why your dog is digging and learn effective versus ineffective methods on how to stop dogs from digging.


First, it is important that in order to get your dogs to stop digging, you must AVOID reprimands during the trainings. It can only bring too many negative effects to your pet! Dogs do not have good reasoning. If someone tells you that punishment is the right way to stop dogs from digging, they do not understand that your dogs might rebel and just dig when his all alone. Learning to get to the root of the behavior will do more in keeping your dogs from digging, because you will be able to change the circumstances to fit your needs while keeping the respect and love of your dog.


In trying to keep your dogs, you may want to start off simply by taking your dogs for regular walks. A lot of digging behavior comes out of boredom or a need to get rid of extra energy. It can be effective in trying to curb dog digging to take your dogs for walks or take time to actively play with them.


That same release of energy your dog needs bring about the next piece of advice on how to stop dog digging. It is imperative to stop the digging behavior and let your dog be dynamic when you are not around. Get toys that can keep them busy all throughout the day. There are a number of active toys on the market that can help stimulate your dogs physically and mentally so that digging is no longer needed as an activity.


The next thing you can do to stop dog digging is to put up a barrier to inhibit digging in specific areas. If your dog is always digging up your flowerbed or vegetable garden, but does not bother to dig anywhere else, then you may want to put up a small fence in that area. You can also use a sprinkler. Who says that cats are the only pets who avoid getting wet? Astonishingly, dogs usually do not like to get wet too, so when you see your dog heading for your tomatoes, turn on the sprinkler.


Allowing your pet to have alternatives is another way to control your dog from digging in other areas of your backyard. Giving your dog alternatives is another way to stop him from digging in other areas of your yard. You can also offer your beloved pet a sandbox or a corner of the yard where he can just dig away, well, which is if none of these methods work. Build the area that will be exclusively his then hide several treats under, HE WILL LOVE IT!! Through this method your dog will then learn the specific area with such treats is only the place where digging is okay.


Finally, a not so pleasant way to stop dogs from digging is to put a little of his solid dog waste in each digging hole. Surprising as it may seem, the waste will deter your dog from continuing to dig holes in the yard. It may not sound like the most uncomfortable way to stop dogs from digging, but it truly does work!

Chihuahua Puppy Care: How to Prepare

Chihuahua puppy care, like any new puppy care, can be a hassle if you don’t make the right preparations and learn about what to do prior to bringing your puppy home.Chihuahuas are a particularly tricky breed to take care of since they are hard to house train and are so small and fragile.

What to Buy for Your Chihuahua Prior to His Homecoming

In Chihuahua puppy care it is important to buy an exercise pen or crate where you can leave your Chihuahua when you can’t supervise him.  Also have a stash of newspapers ready as well as a litter box or potty pads.  House training a Chihuahua can get messy.Purchase a collar and leash, food and water bowls, a Chihuahua care and training book, and chewing toys.  Furthermore, make sure to puppy-proof your home by not leaving any electrical cords exposed. 

The Most Difficult Part of Chihuahua Puppy Care: House Training

Small puppies frequently eliminate.They are like babies and cannot hold it in and they will often do it without warning.In Chihuahua puppy care, it is important to constantly supervise your puppy so he is not running around the house alone.  That is what the exercise pen or crate is for. 
In Chihuahua puppy care, the more you let your dog have accidents, the more difficulty you will have housetraining your puppy.Chihuahua puppies have the desire to eliminate after a nap, after they eat, and after playing.Chihuahuas show that they need to eliminate when they circle and sniff the ground so if you notice that kind of behavior or know it’s around time for your puppy to eliminate, take him to the potty pad or litter box.  If you see your puppy squatting, make sure to take him to the right place. 
It is important in Chihuahua puppy care not to punish your puppy for eliminating in the wrong place because it is your responsibility to constantly supervise him.  If you can’t supervise him, put him in his playpen with his food and bed on one end and the potty bad or litter box on the other.  Chihuahua puppies naturally have the desire not to eliminate where they sleep and eat so they will go to the litter box or potty pad to eliminate.  When your puppy eliminates in the right place, reward him for doing so in the correct spot!

Feeding in Chihuahua Puppy Care

Chihuahuas have higher metabolisms than other breeds so it’s important to feed only premium dog foods.Don’t worry that you’ll have to spend a lot of money on food because Chihuahuas eat very little.  Young puppies need a free supply of dry food available to prevent hypoglycemia but when they become adults, feeding twice a day is sufficient.  Always provide water in a sturdy container but not large enough so that the puppy can fall in.  Avoid feeding your Chihuahua human foods because many of them can be toxic and dangerous.  It is important to buy a tube of Nutri-cal before you puppy comes home to prevent hypoglycemia. 
As you can probably gather, Chihuahua puppy care is a lot of work.  If you have the kind of schedule that would force you to leave your Chihuahua alone for long periods, it is better for you not to get one.  Chihuahuas need constant supervision and to be carefully taken care of to prevent health problems and other issues.However, if you have the time and patience for Chihuahua puppy care and you like small dogs, a Chihuahua may be your perfect companion!

For more about puppies please visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

Signing Up For Free Puppy Training Classes

Once you have found that perfect pet through free puppy adoption, you will want to begin right away with training it so that the transition into your home and lifestyle is an easy one. The best thing to do is to start grabbing up all of the books and magazines you can on free puppy training tips and hints so that you can begin to put certain rules and techniques into place at home. In the meantime, while you work on that, you will also want to look around for some free puppy training classes in your area.

It is extremely important that you find some free puppy training classes and get your puppy signed up for them before they rip apart your home. Dealing with a puppy that bites, chews, and goes to the bathroom all over your carpets is not the best way to start the bonding process. Puppies and dogs that are left untrained may find that their owners have a hard time connecting with them and therefore they be not get as much love and attention from the owner. Do not let this happen between you and your puppy so go out and get your pup signed up for a free puppy training course.

Where To Find The Classes

The best place to look is your local pet store to see if they offer any free puppy training classes there. If they do you are going to want to sign up as quickly as possible so you do not miss your chance at getting the training that your puppy needs so badly. If there are not any classes offered there at the store, they may have information on where puppy owners can go for some free puppy training courses. It is worth a shot to go and see what you can find out because the sooner you get started the better off your puppy will be.

If your local pet store cannot offer you any suggestions on where you can go for free puppy training then there are still other options so you do not want to give up. Start calling around to the other pet shops in your area and do not forget to call the different groomers or kennels in your area. These places may have some information for you on free puppy training as people may have posted information on their bulletin board or such. Just keep looking and you will eventually find the free puppy training class that you have been waiting for.

For more about puppies please visit

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dog Chewing Problems Solved

Do you have a problem with dog chewing? A dog that loves to chew on anything he sees interesting and you can’t seem to figure out why he has this kind of passion? Did you ever come home from work and found your newest pair of shoes being chewed upon by your, cute, sweet and innocent, little dog? I suggest that you continue to read on if this is a familiar scenario to you.


Chewing is one of the worst habits that any dog can pick up. Besides it being destructive to your property, a dog that enjoys chewing might get injured by breaking its teeth or swallowing harmful material. Moreover, some dogs chew on themselves! This kind of bad behavior may cause hair loss and even serious infections to areas of their bodies like their tails, legs, and feet. If you have a dog chewing problem , instead of dismissing the act as a typical dog behavior, work to immediately correct the situation.


It is a fact that puppies chew a lot. However, their choices of what to chew on will be depend on you and how you train your dog. If you are welcoming a new puppy into your home, be sure to supply it with adequate toys to prevent your pooch from destroying your home, car, or wardrobe. In addition , keep in mind to pick toys that are not mistaken for those “out of bound” objects. Many dog owners prefer to grant their pups with cast off shoes to somehow redirect its attention from the new pair they have just bought, but to their surprise the puppy would still chew up on their brand new pair instead. Look for chewing toys and bones that will not splinter, break, or split and potentially cause a choking hazard. So that your dog does not become bored and opt to chew on your beloved possessions and furniture as an alternative, give your puppy with several different toys in various areas.


Yes, there are simple steps that can help you prevent your dog from chewing up your possessions! For starters, the easiest way to stop this routine is to keep an eye on your dog. Dogs cannot chew up your house and home while you sit watching them. A huge part of dog ownership is VIGILANCE. Furthermore, consider confining your dog to a room or area of your home until you can trust him to have free rein of your abode. More than vigilance , cleanliness is a large factor in what a dog has access to chew. Simply put, your dog cannot chew your shoes unless they were left accessible. If you find your dog chewing something, if possible, place it out of his reach. In all likelihood , the dog will continue chewing the same item until it is either removed or completely destroyed.


“But what about the larger things like furniture, doors, or appliances that will be hard to move”, you say? For these structures, apply a thin film of Bitter Apple. Like its name suggests, this solution is quite bitter and very unsavory for dogs. Available in a spray or cream, Bitter Apple will not damage the finish of your furniture and can easily be wiped away once the dog learns not the chew. Don’t be alarmed if your dog does ingest the material, it will not make him sick, as the contents of it are non-toxic.


Lastly, be the protector of your own items . Teach your dog commands like "leave it" and instruct him to cease and desist the gnawing of your items. Use a spray bottle or a shaker device rather than physical punishment, which can sometime cause dogs to become more destructive in protest. Go ahead and visit your veterinarian if your dog is chewing on himself more than your home. There are a lot of skin conditions, including parasitic infections that can cause a dog to chew on his own skin in order to find relief. Turn to a cooling spray that will provide relief as the area begins to heal. Also, use an antibiotic cream to prevent infection.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wood Dog House – What Type Of Materials To Use For Your Doghouse?

Although wood dog houses are common among many families who own dogs, not many people know there are many different types of wood available for your dog house.

The most common type of wood used is cedar. It is one of the most popular choices for wooden dog houses because of its resistance to decay and as well as insect and rot resistance.

Cedar is easy to work with and it is durable and reliable and can be work for long periods of time without any maintenance.

Other types of wood that are used in building dog houses include pine and hemlock though they are less common. One reason is because they lack the insect and decay resistance compared to cedar wood. That is also why they are seldom used as the base structure of your dog house as they decay and rot faster especially when they come into contact with the ground.

If you are building your own dog house, beware of using pressure-treated wood. This is because although they are resistant to decay and insects, they contain harmful chemicals that could pose a danger to your dog.

Most older pressure treated wood uses chromated copper arsenate which can be deadly to animals. Nevertheless, over the past few years, other chemicals have been used to create pressure treated wood and it is safer.

Wood is also better than plastic in building dog houses because they stay much warmer during the winter. Wood also helps to dissipate heat naturally during the summer months.

Wood is also easier to work with compared to plastic. You only need a saw and a hammer to build your own dog house. If you are eco-conscious, then building wooden dog houses is also more environmentally friendly and can easily be recycled for other purposes. It is also cheaper than plastic.

Learn how to build wood dog house. Visit my site and learn more about wooden dog houses.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Start Training Your Mastiff Puppy With These Three Principles

Play is a very large part of any Mastiff puppy's early life. But were you aware that playtime can also be learning time as well? Play can be a valuable tool in training your Mastiff puppy everything from learning simple commands to teaching them the ins and outs of socializing and what it takes to be a well behaved dog.

There are three basic things that a Mastiff puppy - even one as young as six weeks old - needs to start learning. The first and most useful of those things is simply the word, "No." You will be using that command repeatedly during your relationship with your dog and so it is very important that he knows it from the start.

And it's easy. Dogs, even puppies, are adept at recognizing tone of voice. When they learn to associate a displeased, forceful tone of voice with the word no, you will not in the future have to be so forceful in your utterances. But first you do have to get his attention. When the Mastiff pup does something wrong, simply pick him up, gain eye contact and tell him very firmly, "No." It will get an immediate reaction. Depending on your pup's personality, he will drop his head and become sheepish, growl or attempt to talk you out of it by asking you to play. If either of the latter two happens, you will have to repeat the command to show that you are not kidding.

Then, simply let it go. Put the pup down and keep a watchful eye on his response. A rebellious pup may repeat the action as a way to test you, in which case you need to repeat the process. Be gentle, but be firm and consistent and your pup should get the message.

As for the other things that your baby needs to know, you will probably default to teaching him the proper way to go potty. This is actually easier than you might think, as pups are a lot smarter than they look. Timing is, however, everything. If you notice a puddle on the floor and your pup has since gone off to play with his ball, the only thing you can do is clean it up and watch him more closely. Don't rub his nose in it, or he will simply be hurt and confused. What you want to do is catch him in the act. When you see him start to take a tinkle, grab him and take him outside. Chances are he will be so shocked that he will save some for the yard, and when he goes there you can praise him lavishly.

The third thing that your Mastiff pup needs to know is that he should never put his teeth on a human being. This is a tough one, as it is so much fun to play "bite" with a youngster. But you don't want them to play so rough when they are older. So when you play with him, be sure to do so with toys that are okay for him to bite. If he bites when you are trying to pet him, tell him no and give him his toy or put his toy right in his mouth. If he keeps trying, you should pick him up and tell him no. If you are consistent, you should get good results.

When your pup has accomplished learning her first command, or goes outside instead of on the floor and stops puppy-biting, she is well on her way to graduating from a Mastiff puppy to a well-mannered adult.